How does Qi Wireless Charging work?

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How does Qi Wireless Charging work?

Wireless Charging isn’t really a completely new product. Electric toothbrushes have been using the principles of inductive charging for many years.

Qi Wireless Charging uses a resonant inductive coupling between the sender (the charging station) and the receiver (the mobile device). A regular test signal is sent by the sender to check for a capacity or resonance change, telling the Qi-enabled charger base that a qi compatible phone is present. The sender modulates the charge and checks for compatibility to the Qi standard.

Once Qi compatibility and the energy requirement have been calculated, the charging through induction begins. During the charging, the sender and receiver remain in contact and switch into standby mode as soon as the battery is fully charged. Another advantage of the Qi charger base is that it only activates and transfers energy when an enabled device requiring charging is placed upon it.

With this technology, the electromagnetic coils that send and receive the charge are specially shielded to reduce electromagnetic rays.


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